Our Services

Our team of Occupational Medicine experts are specialists in maximising health and wellbeing outcomes in Australian workplaces.

By taking a preventative approach to health and safety in the workplace, we aim to:

  • Optimise the health and wellbeing of your employees
  • Limit the impacts of poor health on workplace productivity
  • Reduce your workers compensation premium

We offer tailored and industry specific pre-employment medical checks to assess any pre-existing, current or clinically foreseeable health-related risks which may prevent potential employees from undertaking any work prior to commencing employment in a specific role.

A pre-employment medical may assess:

  • Height and weight
  • Blood pressure
  • Vision: near, distant, colour, fields with and without correction
  • Hearing via audiometric testing
  • Respiratory function via formal spirometry
  • Musculoskeletal screening including: neck, back, shoulder, hip, upper and lower limbs
  • Urinalysis, including MRO drug screen as per ANZS 4308 if permitted and required
  • Breath alcohol testing
  • Baseline bloods for specific positions requiring pre-employment immunity or baseline haematological parameters if permitted and required
  • ECG if permitted and required
  • Psychological testing for fitness for specific roles if permitted and required
  • Confined space testing
  • Functional strength and fitness testing via physiotherapist if permitted and required
  • Other factors contributing to health status requiring assessment

The pre-employment medical will also review the medical history of the potential employee.

Please contact us directly to ensure your pre-employment needs are being met.

We provide in-clinic injury diagnosis, certification and treatment including wound care for most work-related injuries. Your employees will have convenient access to a team of medical experts at multiple clinics to treat injuries. We welcome stakeholder engagement and return to work coordinators are encouraged to discuss suitable duties prior to leaving clinic with a view to better monitor workplace injuries and maximise return to health and work outcomes.

We offer MRO certified drug and alcohol testing as per ANZS:4308 to ensure compliance with your workplace drug and alcohol policy. We provide reliable chain of custody testing with evidentiary reliability and a quick turnaround whilst ensuring that privacy is upheld at all times.

Testing includes:

  • Urine drug screening ANZS 4308:2008
  • Saliva drug screening AS 4760:2006
  • Breath alcohol testing AS 3547

We test for the following substances:

  • Alcohol
  • Amphetamines
  • Methamphetamines
  • Cocaine
  • Marijuana
  • Opiates
  • Benzodiazepines

The testing process may involve, as per standard or specific testing requirements:

  • Provision of screening or testing with chain of custody evidentiary collections if required
  • Supervised or witnessed sample collection
  • Secondary screening when required such as in secondary breath alcohol test
  • Referral of non-negative results for mandatory confirmation testing at a NATA accredited laboratory when required using accredited chain of custody methods for evidentiary reliability
  • Disclosure of results to the employee
  • Disclosure of results to the employer once confirmed
  • Provision of individual or laboratory confirmatory reports for final results.

Our team comprises of many SIRA-approved registered medical practitioners to help overcome complex return-to-work and injury management problems.

Our Injury Management Consultants will:

  • Review employees’ medical reports and assessments
  • Discuss employees’ recovery and return-to-work plans with the doctors providing treatment
  • Advise employees on their capacity for work and answer any questions they may have
  • Liaise with you on work options for the employee
  • Deliver a report on the employee for the doctor, employee, insurer and employer.

We provide Medico Legal reports which assess the impact to an employee’s health status following an injury and report upon their impairment, fitness and capacity for work.

Medico Legal reports are used as evidence in legal proceedings and provide the medical specialist’s advice regarding the claimant’s health status.

Our reports are delivered by experts, easy to understand, adaptable to the client’s needs and dispatched quickly.

We undertake workers compensation file reviews to manage and assess workers compensation matters of employees who are injured or become unwell as a result of their work.

File reviews audit the progress of return-to-work outcomes and ensure your overall injury management system is efficient and effective with a view to setting effective strategies to achieve desirable outcomes.

We understand many industries are obliged to comply with mandatory health surveillance as deemed necessary by the Regulator. We can collect and analyse and report upon health data for your workers to assist with monitoring the status of individual employees, identifying health trends and uncover potential issues.

The workplace environment can expose employees to a variety of potential health risks such as:

  • Hazardous substances
  • Excessive noise
  • Radiation
  • Dust
  • Fumes
  • Solvents
  • Vibration
  • Biological agents

Where employees are exposed to these risks at work, health surveillance may be a legal requirement. Health surveillance may involve the following tests:

  • Baseline blood tests reported via specialist pathologists
  • Lung function tests including spirometry
  • Hearing tests, including audiometry
  • Biochemical, blood or urine markers such as kidney or liver function tests
  • Confined space testing

We can help you assess whether health surveillance in your workplace is needed, identify what type of testing may be required, select those to be tested, manage performance, interpret results, assess risk, action results and create appropriate workplace controls.

Our VIPs client can register for after hours clinical services, facilitating injury management as and when required; particularly from those critical first few hours post notification.

We will visit your workplace to deliver convenient onsite medical services including:

  • Assessing occupational health and safety risks and making tailored recommendations
  • Injury management
  • Injury treatment including wound care
  • Vaccinations
  • File review
  • Health surveillance
  • General health reviews
  • Occupation specific health parameter or target testing

Our team are clinical and administrative experts in delivering onsite medical services in complex or challenging workplace environments, from mines through to corporate offices.

We also provide on call emergency services outside of working hours as required to our registered VIP clients.

We provide work capacity assessments to determine whether an employee is fit for work, unfit for work or partially fit for work.

An assessment may be undertaken at any stage of the claim to review an employee’s:

  • Health and vocational status
  • Ability to return to work
  • Progress towards return-to-work outcomes
  • Suitable employment options should the prior employment conditions no longer be manageable.

We offer coaching and training for frontline managers and supervisors in injury management to ensure workplace injuries are treated effectively and safely, and employees are able and enabled to return to work following a workplace injury.

It is your frontline staff who will play a critical role in ensuring that your injury management program is successful and therefore they need to be armed with the knowledge, skills and tools to support your injury management programme.

We can help you deliver wellness programmes which promote good health and intervene early to prevent health issues down the track. Wellness programmes can prevent workplace injuries and health issues, increase workplace productivity and reduce absenteeism.

Wellness programmes may involve:

  • Information and education on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle
  • Diet and nutrition advice and information
  • Mental health and resilience advice and training
  • Wellness profiles for employees
  • Fitness assessments
  • Functional assessments
  • Specifically tailored medical assessments

Wellness programmes help to keep your employees healthier and happier at work, whilst assisting to ensure your workplace remains as productive as possible.

We can help you develop compliant and accessible return-to-work programmes. A legal requirement for all NSW workplaces; return-to-work (RTW) programmes detail an employer’s policies and procedures for handling work-related injury or health issues, employee recovery and return-to-work processes.

All NSW employers must have a return-to-work programme within 12 months of starting a business which is developed in consultation with workers and relevant unions, and which complements the insurer’s injury management plan.

Depending on the category of employer, creating a return-to-work programme may involve:

  • Selecting a return-to-work coordinator
  • Creating a return-to-work programme
  • Consultation with employees and unions
  • Implementation of the programme.

We provide hearing tests to assess employees who may be exposed to excessive noise at work.

Hearing tests may involve:

  • Identifying and reporting on existing hearing loss
  • Testing employees who use personal and protective equipment to conserve hearing and prevent hearing loss
  • Creating benchmarks for employees to protect against any potential hearing loss claims by creating hearing conservation programmes
  • Early detection of hearing loss
  • Ongoing monitoring of the impacts of exposure to noise.

Our physiotherapy services treat musculoskeletal injuries which occur at work or impact an employees’ effectiveness at work. Physiotherapy aids in recovery, reduces pain or stiffness, promotes mobility and prevents further injury. It may also assist your employees recover and return to work as soon as possible.

Physiotherapy may involve a combination of:

  • Joint manipulation
  • Exercise & injury education
  • Massage
  • Electrotherapy
  • Advice on mobility

We conduct Whole Person Impairment (WPI) examinations which assess if a work injury has resulted in an impairment, whether the injury has reached maximum medical improvement and the extent of any permanent impairment.

Assessments are undertaken by accredited medical practitioners. The practitioner will determine the extent of whole person impairment for the employee which will help determine:

  • Payment entitlements
  • Ongoing medical expenses
  • Any potential payments for economic and non-economic loss.

We assess whether individuals meet the permanent incapacity definition and are unable to ever work again due to total and permanent disablement.


To make an online appointment, please log in to our online appointment system.