We understand many industries are obliged to comply with mandatory health surveillance as deemed necessary by the Regulator. We can collect and analyse and report upon health data for your workers to assist with monitoring the status of individual employees, identifying health trends and uncover potential issues.
The workplace environment can expose employees to a variety of potential health risks such as:
- Hazardous substances
- Excessive noise
- Radiation
- Dust
- Fumes
- Solvents
- Vibration
- Biological agents
Where employees are exposed to these risks at work, health surveillance may be a legal requirement. Health surveillance may involve the following tests:
- Baseline blood tests reported via specialist pathologists
- Lung function tests including spirometry
- Hearing tests, including audiometry
- Biochemical, blood or urine markers such as kidney or liver function tests
- Confined space testing
We can help you assess whether health surveillance in your workplace is needed, identify what type of testing may be required, select those to be tested, manage performance, interpret results, assess risk, action results and create appropriate workplace controls.